With our services we want to accompany change, shape growth, raise quality and establish resilience as well. That’s why we call our services impacts.
Impact People:
Executive Search
We have learnt to not only develop the obvious as the staffing solution, but also to inspect markets and metrics from new angles, vertically and horizontally, all the time and to work “behind and beyond”. Only with a qualified variety of options can the right decisions be made and an impact achieved.
Even without a mandate, we constantly meet with personalities who make the difference in their companies, possess the potential for more and are future driven, so that we can be there when our clients are looking for dialogue.
Impact Board Excellence:
Board Academy
As an established partner of family companies as well as corporate groups with our structured programmes and customised Academy Impacts we deliver reliable results.
We are a Peer2Peer practice-oriented Academy and therefore by conviction
call our work resultshops.
Impact Events
The Board Dialogue Day is the Board Academy’s flagship event with community and top-executive guests – a high-stimulus event with management speakers, top-level panel discussions, CxO-peer2peer workshops and active networking. See the agendas of recent Board Dialogue days.
The Board Lounge is an event series exclusively for our community members.