Data Protection
This website can as a rule be used without supplying personal data. To the extent that personal data (e.g. names, addresses or email addresses) are collected on our pages, this is done on a voluntary basis as far as possible. Such data is not passed on to third parties without your explicit permission.
We point out that security breaches may occur when data is transferred on the internet (e.g. by email communication). Data cannot be completely protected against access by third parties.
The use of contact data published within the framework of imprint obligations by third parties in order to send advertising and information materials not explicitly requested is herewith explicitly prohibited. Should the operators of these pages receive unsolicited promotional material, such as spam etc., the operator expressly reserves the right to take legal action.
Source: Disclaimer eRecht24
Picture credits: peshkov, chesky, nikolarakic, Robert Kneschke (Fotolia)