Christian Spröhnle

Christian Spröhnle is Managing Director of BOARD PARTNERS Chile, a consulting company to support executive management and the development of leadership and skills required in the business world and corporate governance by business owners and CEOs, both international and local companies, collaborating thus in positively impacting the results of the companies through a better professional performance and decision-making of their managers.
BOARD PARTNERS Chile delivers its services through an individual and collaborative group work model, forming work groups in the form of Boards that are made up of business owners and CEOs to support each other through the permanent review of their Business Cases and of management that affect their companies.
Christian leads and coordinates the work of the Board of Directors groups, guiding the group work to review and discuss the Cases that are analyzed there. At the same time, in individual work sessions with each member of the Board of Directors, he provides his advice, coaching and individual mentoring to enhance management and leadership skills, as well as to deepen the analysis, conclusions and decision-making in relation to the Cases of business and management reviewed in the Boards.
With extensive experience as an executive and businessman, Christian currently also participates as owner and Director in real estate and education companies. His executive work career has been carried out in the financial, hotel, gastronomic, higher education and consulting industries, being Director and Manager in companies such as PwC Chile, INACAP and Hotelera Pucará, among others.
The last 17 years he has been dedicated mainly to the world of business advice and consultancy, covering various fields and topics, both from the specific requirements of the main divisional areas of companies (HR, operations, commercial-sales, finance) and from the construction of long-term strategic plans, conformation of corporate governments and development of the managerial capacities of business owners and CEOs. Thus, his executive and business career and as a consultant and adviser today, allow him to continuously collaborate with various companies, of different sizes and industries, international and local, working directly with their owners and CEOs.
In turn, Christian has been an undergraduate and postgraduate Master’s professor at the Universidad del Desarrollo and the Universidad de Los Andes, in Chile, teaching courses in the fields of Organizational Development, HR, Consulting, Coaching, Leadership and Administration, among other subjects.